Bill Harrison
Managing Partner

“I have been intensely competitive my whole life. As a young person, that competitiveness was directed toward sports—team sports, extreme sports—anything that would test the boundaries. Later, I learned to channel that energy and discipline into business. Fighting on behalf of business owners is deeply satisfying. I cannot imagine doing anything else.”
Bill Harrison founded Harrison Co. because he felt entrepreneurs deserved a better partner, an advocate who will fight for them, when negotiating complex transactions. Bill believes there is no group more beneficial to the future of the U.S. economy, workforce and innovation than family businesses and the entrepreneurs behind them.
Bill began his career working for some of the best firms on Wall Street. His consumer industry expertise contributed to Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (DLJ)’s leadership as the top middle-market M&A firm in North America. Following Credit Suisse’s acquisition of DLJ, he became head of U.S. Consumer M&A at Credit Suisse.
At Harrison Co., Bill brings Wall Street-level services to entrepreneur- and family-owned businesses. He has purposely assembled a team of advisors with diverse backgrounds and decades of experience in investment banking, consulting, financing, accounting, and operations to better serve owner-operators during what is often the single most important financial transaction of their life.
Over the past 30 years, Bill has completed over $25 billion in M&A, and capital-raising transactions. However, Bill believes the long-lasting friendships he has developed with his clients are the truest measure of his success as an investment banker.
Bill earned a BS degree in Engineering from Northeastern University and an MBA from the University of Southern California.